Technology Meets Fashion

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Chromat designer Becca McCharen and intel innovation engineer Karolina Cengija brings a biomimicry approach to innovation.she brings a new look to clothes with technologies and materials.she wants to help designers to smoothen their work.

Recently Cengija helped cutting edge fashion designer Becca McCharen of chromat to create a winged Adrenaline Dress and reactive Areo Sports Bra for the 2016 Spring-Summer New York Fashion Week.These costumes are equipped with Computing Technology and Sensors,These garments have a special feature to adjust the wearer's heartrate and prespiration levels.This Adrenaline Dress responds by spreading or contracting its backside wings to express emotion, while the bra opens slightly to provide cooling comfort.The sports bra was designed with a special material that reacts to computer commands to open vents when it senses changes in perspiration, respiration and body temperature.